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爱我所爱 行我所愿




远航 —— yixin音画  

2008-06-09 23:20:41|  分类: 我的作品 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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远  航  ——  yixin 音画













  sailing (远航)



                                                  I am sailing, I am sailing 我在航行,乘风破浪, 
                                   Home again across the sea. 跨越重洋又回到了家乡。 
                                 I am sailing stormy waters, 我迎着狂风暴雨,正在远航, 
                                       To be near you, to be free. 向你靠近,向着自由。 
                                          I am flying, I am flying 我在飞翔,展翅高飞,
                                       Like a bird across the sky. 像只小鸟自由翱翔。
                                    I am flying, passing high clouds 朝着天际,穿越云霄。
                                          To be with you, to be free. 与你同行,获得自由。
                                Can you hear me? Can you hear me 你可听到,我的呼唤? 
                                        Thru the dark night far away? 穿越黑暗,越来越远. 
                                         I am dying forever crying 哭声中我渐离你远去, 
                              To be with you, who can say? 谁又知道我要这样去靠近你?
                                     We are sailing, We are sailing 一起航行,乘风破浪, 
                                    Home again across the sea. 跨越重洋又回到了家乡。 
                                    We are sailing stormy warters, 我们航行,迎着风暴,
                                        To be near you, to be free. 向你靠近,获得自由。
                                       We are sailing, We are sailing 一起航行,乘风破浪, 
                                     Home again across the sea. 跨越重洋又回到了家乡。
                                    We are sailing stormy warters, 我们航行,迎着风暴,
                                        To be near you, to be free. 向你靠近,获得自由。
                                        Oh, Lord, to be near you, 向你靠近,获得自由。
                              To be free. Oh, Lord, to be near you, 向你靠近,获得自由。
                              To be free. Oh, Lord, to be near you, 向你靠近,获得自由。
                                        To be free. Oh, Lord. 今生今世,直到永远。

          远航Rod Stewar的感动情歌. ... Rod Stewar这首经典的老歌《Sailing》让我们对人生又有了一次深刻的体会:其实人生不就是一次Sailing,途中也许荆棘满布,充满艰辛,但只要你坚持下去,一定可以胜利到达彼岸!

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